Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Feeding Time With Daddy!

When we were at the doctors office yesterday we spoke to him about beginning to use a bottle. I can't really imagine that I would ever want to leave him, but I am sure eventually I will want to get out of the house for a couple hours. This will mean that someone else will need to take over feeding for a bit. In order to make sure that Max will take a bottle when the time comes, we are beginning to introduce it little by little.

Last night was our first attempt at a bottle feed. I pumped and Brian fed Max. He took three ounces of breast milk and still wanted to be topped off a bit, so I nursed him for a few more minutes afterwards. It was so cute to watch Brian feeding Max! Max just stared up at his Daddy and gobbled down his food. He did spit up a bit afterwards. Brian made sure to take lots of breaks during the feeding since the milk comes out of a bottle much faster than it comes out of me. Overall it was a great experience and we are going to try to give him a bottle every other day or so. We also got a couple really cute pictures out of the ordeal.

Max had a new first today - his first trip to Gus's Pretzels. Granted he and I waited in the car while Brian went in to get lunch. But at least we were out of the house for a few minutes. We even took the dog, she loves car rides! I think Sierra was a bit disappointed that she had to sit in the front seat and that I wouldn't let her put her head out the window - it would have been way to cold for little Max.

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