Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dr. Visit - Take Three

Well out little guy went back to the doctor for another weight check yesterday. He has gained another 6oz. This is pretty good news. The doctor was shooting for an oz a day, so Max was just under that. We are happy with that and we don't have to go back to the doctor for another two weeks. Max will be one month at that point and he will get his next shot - yikes! I have a feeling that will hurt me more than him!

It is so hard to believe that Max is three weeks old today. It feels like I just found out I was pregnant yesterday. He is such an amazing little person. He is awake a lot during the days. He loves sitting on the boppy in the living room with mom and dad. He is also getting to be more interactive. He tracks toys if you move them across his field of vision and he loves to stare up at us when we talk to him. He also loves getting a bath - that is until I try to wash his hair. This picture was taken after his bath last night, I think it is pretty cute.

Yesterday we introduced tummy time for a few mintues. Max wanted nothing to do with it. He got pretty annoyed with the whole thing, even after mom and dad spent 30 minutes trying to fill the little fish area on his tummy time mat. He actually got so frustrated with tummy time that he pushed himself over onto this back. I thought it was a fluk, but he did it two more times! He is already growing up so fast!

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