Friday, April 18, 2008

One Month Old

It is hard to believe that we have spent an entire month caring for and getting to know Max. Today was so exciting that the ground shook - we had a 5.2 earthquake at 4:30 this morning. Brian and I both jumped out of bed trying to figure out what was going on. I ran in to check on Max and he was sound asleep, completely oblivious to his first earthquake. However, he was not oblivious to the fact that he was hungry 20 minutes later.

Max has had a very busy month and he has changed so much! He has been working very hard to control his head. He looks from side to side and we have to be careful when he jerks his head. He is awake a good part of each day. He loves riding in the car and going for walks. We head to the doctor on Monday for his one month check up, so you can look for an update then. I'm sure it will be more traumatic for me than for Max -he has to get another shot! Keep your fingers crossed that our little guy packed on some weight too!

Here is a picture I took of Max this morning. He was trying out his play gym for the first time. I don't know if he was too excited by it, but the cat sure was. Chewy loved batting at the hanging toys and was very proud of himself when he managed to knock the whole thing over.

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