Monday, March 31, 2008

Dr. Visit - Take Two

I hope that you all enjoyed the video that Brian slaved over. There was one very important person missing - grandpa Mason. Unfortuntaly we didn't have a picture of him and Max when Brian made the video, but he did come over for a visit the other night . . . So here is Gandpa Mason with his favorite grandchild ( I can say that because Max is his only grandchild ).

Well Max went to the doctor again today for another weight check. He has gained weight, but not quite as much as we would like to see. He was 7lb 9oz - so he did make it back to his birth weight. Hopefully he will really begin to pack on the pounds soon. We have another appointment next Monday for yet another weight check. Cross your fingers that our little guy starts to bulk up soon! Brian jokes that he needs some HGH. . .

If you recall from a previous post, his last appointment was very stressful for me. Lots of sick kids, including one with a scary looking rash. Today was much less stressful. The waiting room was almost empty and none of the kids that were there seemed obviously sick looking. I also think it helped that we didn't walk into the office until just a couple minutes before our scheduled appointment. Hopefully the waiting room will be that empty next Monday.

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