Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dreams Really Do Come True

Brian and I have been dreaming about having children for years. We have known since the day that we were married that someday we would become parents. While our journey to parenthood has not been typical, our dreams have come true. Our little boy is the perfect addition to our family and we truly are blessed to have him. While I type he is sleeping soundly in his crib. It takes all of my will power not to just stand over his crib and watch him. It is hard to believe that he is ours to love and raise.

The fact that he is our little boy has really hit home for me today, our first day as a family of three in our house. As they wheeled me from the hospital this morning all I could think of was all the times I had walked through those halls for appointments and wondered what our child would be like. It has been so fun to meet him and get to know his personality. So far he is pretty calm, most cries are for food or dirty diapers and he loves being talked to. I can't wait to get to know him better as the time goes on.

Grandma Carlotta met us at the house to take pictures. Here is one of us on our front porch. It is hard to believe that before we know it little Max will be filling out his car seat. We couldn't be happier to be home and our pets couldn't be happier to see us. Sierra gave Max a few curious sniffs before deciding he was an okay addition. Chewy, on the other hand, was more interested in the plant we brought home from the hospital. Hopefully our first night home will go smoothly, or at least as smoothly as a night with a newborn can go!

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