Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Week - and Growing!

Well Max is officially one week old this morning. What a week! There have been so many milestones and so many 'firsts' that have taken place already. . .

Our first night at home - I guess this went as well as could be expected. Although, we do seem to wonder where our little angel goes at night, it seems like he sends out his evil twin when the sun goes down. During the day he will eat and then sleep for a while, often until his next feeding. That isn't the case at night, he wants to eat and then he is wide awake. I guess this is to be expected. I need to take eveyone's advice and sleep during the day when Max sleeps.

Max's first story time - On Saturday night Max was wide awake so Daddy took the opportunity to read Max his first story, who doesn't love a good book? Max just stared up at Brian the whole time and was interested through two stories. I know there will be many more story times where this came from!

Max's first holiday - Happy Easter, a little bit late! Max celebrated the holiday here at home with mom. With it only being our second day home, I didn't quite feel up to bringing him out to celebrate. I did talk to him all about the holiday, and I look forward to next year when we can celebrate the holiday in true Easter fashion - church, egg hunt, and all!

Max's first doctor's visit - Max was born at 7lb 9oz. As all babies do, he lost a bit of weight the first few days. Unfortunately, Max lost a little more than we would have liked. When we left the hospital he was weighing in at 6lb 12oz. The pediatrician wanted to see him yesterday to make sure that his weight was on the upswing. Sure enough he weighed in at 7lb 5oz. Now, I don't think that Max gained 9oz in three days, but I know all of that weight gain can't be attributed to scale differences. It is good to know that our little one is thriving.

Max's first doctor's visit from Mom's point of view - I think this was scarier than giving birth! Our first outing and we have to go someplace full of sick kids! I have never wished for super powers so much in my entire life. I wanted to create an invisible shield to protect my little angel from all of those icky germs. We have to go back next Monday for another weight check and I can guarantee that we will wait in the car until right before his appointment! I have quickly come to realize that there are lots of things I am going to want to protect him from. Needless to say, I was very glad to come home!

I think that is all of the biggies. I think we are going to attempt our first sponge bath today. One perk of a c-section is that we were there so long they gave him a bath right before we left the hospital. This should be an interesting first for our little one and for us!

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