Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bath Time - Sort Of. . .

Max was beginning to get a bit sticky, so last night he had has his first sponge bath. We can't give him a real bath until his cord falls off. He dealt with the whole thing very well, not a tear to be seen. Brian acted as the guardrail keeping him on the counter while I did the washing. I was very glad we went to the infant care class, Brian was able to remind me what to do. Max looked so cute in his little towel, although I think he looks cute in anything!

After bath time, it was off to eat and then bed. Max had a great night last night. He woke up three times, but each time he just ate and went right back to sleep. Hopefully this will become a trend, although I don't think I will hold my breath. Today we are going to see Grandpa Jack and Grandma Mindy, so hopefully we will have some more fun family pictures to share tomorrow!

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