Thursday, March 20, 2008

Boy Time

Now that I am up and about, I can take over the blogging for a bit. It felt great this morning to be able to get up wihtout any wires attached! Max is doing very well, he is beginning to catch on to nursing. He has been pretty quite, I am sure he is saving up the crying for when we get home. I may be partial, but I think he is the most beautiful little boy ever!

Brian is a natural daddy! He has become a pro at wrapping Max up like a little burrito and changing diapers. Brian has decided Max had perfect timing for his grand entrance. March madness has begun and daddy and son are bonding over basketball.


Carrie said...

Hi Brian and Sarah! Congratulations, parents. Max is just as cute as a button. He actually reminds me a little bit of newborn Bridget. Those Dull genes must be strong! :-)
The Cali Dulls

Kim said...

Kevin and I wanted to congratulate both of you. Max sure is a beautiful baby. Can't wait to meet him. If you are up for visitors, I would love to stop by sometime next week to bring Max some goodies.

Take care,
Kevin and Kim Robertson