Saturday, June 24, 2017

Things Will Says

Oh my this little man. . . The other day we were at the pool and he kept chatting up the cute high school lifeguards.  Another dad leaned over and told me I would have my hands full with him in about 10 years.

During speech therapy when Miss Lolo mixed two words together.

William:  "Miss Lolo you need speech therapy."
Miss Lolo: "You think so?"
William:  "Yep.  The good thing is you can just give yourself your own speech therapy when you aren't giving kids speech therapy!"

When trying to convince me to get him a soda with his meal at Lion's Choice

Me:  "No soda, William."
William: "But mom I really want a Sierra Mist - you know, becuase our dog Sierra went to doggy heaven - and I missed her!"

Oh William. . .

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