Sunday, June 4, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend

 We had a very busy Memorial Day weekend.  On Saturday morning we headed to the garden bright and early - we have a membership this year, so Brian wants to make sure we get our moneys worth.  

We started out walking the grounds for a bit before heading to the tram station.  The boys were cute as could be :)

 The kids had a great time riding the tram through the garden.  Brian and the big boys were in the front -he let them take all the pictures they wanted.  I have about 100 that look something like this. . .

We wrapped up our visit in the children's garden.  As always these locks/damns were a huge hit with the boys.  They must have played here for 40 miutes before we had them move on - and no one fell in trying to retrieve a boat.  Huge win.  Before we left everyone cooled off at the splash pad and I was reminded why I had them wear swimsuits last time. 

Sunday was pretty calm - cleaning out gutters - but we were just saving our energy for Six Flags on Monday.  I don't think we planned our first ride very well.  We went on the mine train.  Last summer all three boys rode Fire in the Hole in Branson and loved it.  Jack has changed his mind.  He hated it!  In fact he pretty much refused every ride for the next two hours.  We finally got him on hte carolsel long enough for a picture, but he wanted off before it started. 

He did agree to a carousel chariot ride iwth mom and it helped to ease him back into rides.

 Then there is this man.   He rode the Screamin Eagle and LOVED it.  I think he is crazy.  We ended our day with Thunder River and the Log Flume.  Both here huge hits with everyone.  Brian and Max have season passes and Will has a ticket from school he can convert to a pass, so I see more trips in the future for the big boys.  Jack and I will stick to the bring a friend for free days and we will skip the roller coasters :)

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