These sweet preschool volunteers had their hands full - 20+ preschool kiddos! Oh my! Jack had a great time. He loved going every day and the teachers said he did a great a great job. He participated in most activities and had so much fun!
Max had a wild and crazy crew. He knew many of the boys from baseball and PSR so it was no big deal to him.
Will also had a blast. This morning as we were getting into the car he told me - Mom please sign me up for VBS every year, because you know, I really like God." It was so sweet!
The program stared with the opening song before each group got up to perform. Jack was closet to me so I was able to snap a pic of him during opening song. He loved it!
Once it was time for Jack's group to get on stage, he wasn't so sure. At first he walked up on stage but immediately wanted off. Then he started doing the dance on the floor. His crew leader reminded him that everyone could see him better on the stage so he was ready and willing to go up there to finish off the song with his group. I'm so proud of him!
William didn't hesitate at all! He was front and center the entire time. In fact he was a little disappointed that his class had to share the stage with the kiddos going into kindergarten.
Max's group was a lot smaller, so it really took some guts to get up on the stage and sing and dance in front of all those people. Max had his eyes cast down the whole time, but he did every movement and sang every word. He gave me a huge grin at the end of the night when I told him how proud I was of him.
I'm so happy we are part of this parish. It really is a thriving center for our community and they have so much to offer! I also love to watch my kids develop a sense of faith. It melts my heart to hear them sing about God being their amazing maker :)