Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Meet Duke

 We promised our sweet Sierra that we would adopt another dog in her honor.  Meet Duke the dog.  He is pretty darn sweet.  He came from the same shelter where we found Sierra back in 2005.  It is a no kill shelter and they really get to know there dogs.

 We had visited one Sunday and didn't see anyone that fit the bill.  I talked to one of the shelter workers the following week and explained what what were were looking for - a sweet, not too high energy dog, that is great with kids and cats.  It was a hard one to fit, but she immediately said that sounds like Jethro.  Jack and I made the trek out to meet Jethro Wednesday afternoon. We fell in love.  On Sunday the whole family drove out to meet him and everyone else fell in love too.

 So Jethro is now Duke.  William named him after the head construction dog in his favorite series of books.  Max had picked out the girl dog name.  All three boys love him to pieces.  We are so proud of how Max and William have stepped up to take such good care of Duke.  He has more energy than Sierra did so that means he needs to go out more.  Max and William take him out together for a walk four houses down several times a day.  Max is in charge of the leash and William acts as the pooper scooper - which he thinks is awesome.

Duke is loving life with our family.  There have been a few issues - more accidents than we anticipated and one awful night of barking/whining, but other than that he is pretty amazing.  I know Sierra is up there in doggy heaven smiling down on our newest family member.

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