Monday, December 5, 2016

Breakfast with Santa

I love this tradition we have created - every year we head down to St. Ambrose for mass and breakfast with Santa.  I love celebrating mass in the church we were married and Max was baptized.  It was also the church I would attend with my grandma when I was little.  Just walking through those giant doors fills me with a sense of peace.  Brian likes that mass is only 40 minutes rather than an hour an 10 like at St. Joe :)

 After mass we headed downstairs for breakfast.  It didn't seem nearly as crazy this year as in years past.  We were actually able to get a table and chat for a while without anyone hovering for our spots.

 After everyone was fed, it was time to go see the big guy in red!  Jack didn't cry this year, but he refused to look at Santa either.  It was pretty funny! If you look closely you can see him trying to peek out from between his fingers as he got a little more comfortable.

 I love this picture of my boys with my cousins.  The look on Jacks face as he peeks as his godfather just melts my heart.

All in all if was a pretty great morning - although William was being a bit of a stinker.  He pulled it together for our next outing though!  Can't wait to continue with fun celebration next year!

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