Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Muskegon, Michigan

At the park after South Beach we talked to a family staying a bit farther north in Muskegon.  They raved about it so much that we decideed to make the drive and check it out.

Before we hit the beach we checked out the USS Silversides - a submarine from world war II.  This sub is credited with sinking more enemy ships than any other.

 Max and Will's favorite part - that the sailors only showered once every 13-15 days.  They have both since decided that they want to work on a submarine when they grow up.

After a picnic lunch we headed three minutes back down the road to Pere Marquette Beach.  I think it was even prettier than South Beach - and a whole lot less crowded.  Even after a morning on the sub we enjoyed four hours on this gorgeous beach.  Four hours of anything when you have three little boys is pretty impressive.

 I just love the grin on Will's face here.  He was having too much fun!

Max build another massive sand castle, that Jack decided to stomp on at the end of our visit. Luckily Max wasn't too upset.

Towards the end of our beach day the sky started clouding up.  We were able to gather all our stuff before the first drops fell.  Unfortunately, it went from a slight drizzle to an all out monsoon as we hauled everything to the car.  Even with the torrential rain, it was a pretty great day -and an absolutely perfect vacation.  The pictures just don't do it justice.  Michigan is a beautiful state - and the weather just adds to it's perfection!  We can't wait to head back in another year or two!

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