Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Little Fishermen

Last weekend we met Grandma and Grandpa for a picnic in the park.  The pizza was pretty yummy but even better than that was the fishing!

 Both of the big boys gave it a shot.  Will thought it was fun for a little while then lost patience a bit.  He was proud to announce that he caught zero fish.

Jack had fun looking for the fish in the water.  I'm just glad he didn't fall in.  Although it was so hot out that the water would have probably felt pretty good!

 Max loved it.  Really, really loved it.  He was patient and calm and got so excited when he caught a couple fish.  He and grandpa released them so that they can grow some more.  Max thought that was pretty neat.

His casting needs a bit of work, but he really did great.  He and grandpa has so much fun that just the two of them went fishing again on Monday morning since Max was off school.  I love that Max shared this fun activity with Grandpa Jack.  He is already looking forward to the next time they go fishing together.

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