Wednesday, September 9, 2015

All About Jack

Without sports, school, and camps, our sweet third born boy tends to fly a bit under the radar here.  That isn't the case in real life.  Jack is very much in the thick of things and growing like you wouldn't believe in all regards.

So what is our sweet two year old up to?

Talking - and talking and talking.  Jack is just talking up a storm.  He is a little parrot and repeats things constantly.  A few of my favorite things he says right now are 'thank you mom' and 'sorry mom'.  He pretty much uses them both in the correct context.  It just cracks me up to hear this little voice say sorry mom when he drops something on the floor or makes any kind of mess.  Another favorite is when he bumps into something or falls.  He bounces right back up and says 'I'm okay!'  

Running - While gross motor skills are a bit tough for Jack it doesn't slow him down one bit.  He LOVES being outside and if I ask who want's to go outside he raises his hand and yells "I do! I do, Mom!"  It really is the cutest thing ever.  I may be guilty of doing anything I can to illicit that "I do!" reaction.   Who wants grapes?  Who wants a bath?  Who wants to play trains?  He pretty much wants to do it all.

Reading - Jack loves books.  We read constantly and he has very strong preferences when it comes to books.  The silly part is that it typically isn't the same book twice.  He likes to change it up, but when he has a book in mind you better get on board.  Jack has an uncanny recall of letters at this point.  It makes reading tough sometimes because he wants to stop you so he can tell you every letter he sees.  It's also nice because you can usually entertain him by writing down letters while he tells you what they are.
 Coloring - As the babysitter at the gym says Jack is a budding Picaso.  He loves to color - preferably with markers.  Crayons just don't give him the same kind of thrill.  There is a bag of markers and crayons that he can access and when he wants art time he will let me know.  He also loves to paint with water colors. I feel bad that I don't save every picture he makes, but my goodness there are tons!  It has been fun to see his coloring progress too.  Nonna showed him how to make circles and he thinks it's pretty cool.  The only part that isn't so great is that he is my first kiddo to purposly mark on things other than paper.  Walls, cabinets, tables, Will's favorite fire truck. . . nothing is safe when Jack is out of his booster with a marker in his hand.

Counting - Jack seems to be very academic minded all on his own.  He counts constantly.  Up the steps, when he eats his crackers, when does blocks, or throws a ball.  Everything is counted.  He is pretty accurate too - except for that darn number seven.  As Nonna pointed out that one is tough, after all it is two syllables.

Climbing - Against my better judgement I bought a box of fruit snacks at Costco this week.  I should have known better but they were on sale and Will was very convincing.  Anyway several times a day Jack pushes a kitchen chair over to the cupbourd and opens the door.  He gets out a pack and says 'help mom, fruit snacks?'  He is very self sufficient.  I'm glad the boys ate the last two packs after lunch.
Hoarding - I remember both of the big boys going through this stage as well, but Jack is a little hoarder.  He wants to carry everything he sees.  It's pretty funny, but I feel bad for him when he can't quite muster it.  His little heart breaks if he can't carry everything he wants to and he just cries and cries.

I love this man more than words can say.  It is so fun spending days with him and getting to know just who he is.  His sweet, intelligent, and determined little personality is really starting to shine through.  It's such a honor to here to see it.  I count my blessings every day!

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