Thursday, August 13, 2015

Last Summer Hurrah

 So this week is back to school week.  At least for Max.  So we had one last hurrah at the zoo with Nonna.  The goal of our trip was to see the sea lion show and it didn't disappoint.  But of course before that we needed to make a stop on the train!

We sat in the very back seat and the big boys were able to say all aboard each time we left a station.  Jack just loved waving and everyone that passed by the train.  He even blew kisses to a few of lucky zoo patrons.

 For the past few summers the zoo has housed a sting ray exhibit.  Max remembered it well and was super excited to pet them.  All three boys, and Nonna, seemed to enjoy it.

Then came the big event, the sea lion show!  It was fabulous!  One of Nonna's coworkers gave us the scoop so we had perfect seats for the show.  The kids loved every second.

Our last fun summer outing was a huge success.  We had a great couple hours and we left before everyone fell apart.  I'll call that a win!

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