Monday, August 24, 2015

Grant's Farm

Last weekend was crazy busy with lots of family fun to celebrate Max's first week of second grade.  We went to Grant's Farm Saturday morning, the pool Saturday afternoon and then the Science Center on Sunday.  It made for some very tired, and very happy kiddos.  
  Of course we fed the goats at Grant's Farm.  The big boys totally have the whole thing down.

Poor Jack on the other hand needed a bit of help.  I protected him from the big bad goats and he loved every second in the pen.
 Will has loved the carolsel for the past couple years.  Max was always hesitant and never wanted to try it.  I was so proud when he said he wanted to go on.  I love watching him show the self confidence to try new things.  Sometimes I wish Will would try fewer new things :)

 All three boys loved watching the giant tortises crawl around their pen.  Jack in particular thought it was hilarious.

We tired soemthing new this visit, we bought some camel food and fed them.  Both of the big boys loved it.  They couldn't get over how funny it felt when the camel took the food from their hands.  We were all laughing at their responses.  The camel was quite the ham too.

Watching our boys experience things makes it so much more fun! I just love these fun summer weekends.  We need to make the most of it before the winter weather hits and we are all trapped inside for weeks on end!

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