Monday, August 24, 2015

Apple PIcking

The local pick your own farm has honeycrisp apples - our favorites - ready for picking.  We headed out with Grandpa Jack and Uncle Tim to pick some apples!

Watching Max take care of Jack just melts my heart.  He is so sweet to his baby brother and is always willing to help him out.

 Will just loves shoulder rides.  It's pretty cute.  He complains that his legs get tired and he just can't go on.  Daddy comes to the rescue with a shoulder ride.
 Look at all these handsome men waiting for the tractor!  It was so fun to have Grandpa Jack and Uncle Tim join us.

 Getting all three boys to smile for the camera is pretty much impossible.  I'll settle for this.

 Max and Will were both very intrigued by the lunchbox strapped to the tractor.  Max was quick to point out that our return tractor didn't have a lunch box, so that driver must have already eaten.

 The boys had lots of fun picking apples in the orchard.  There was a bonus surprise when we were able to pick peaches too.

These four men make me so incredibly happy.  I'm so lucky and I count my blessing everyday - even when one of my blessings is making me want to pull my hair out.  I wouldn't have life any other way.

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