Sunday, March 1, 2015

In Like a Lion

So that means March has to go out like a lamb, right?  I'm really hoping so because we have family pictures scheduled for the 29th and I'm hoping for a spring feel.

It snowed last night and we woke up to around five or so inches of the white fluffy stuff.

 It was perfect for a Sunday.  The boys were off and Brian was home. It snowed last weekend too, but with temps below ten no one wanted to head out.  Today was much better.

The boys had so much fun sledding in the front yard.  They could have stayed out there for hours!
 Jack got in on action too.  He had a great time - even if you can't really see his face.
Max is an old pro and just wanted to go fast - I think he takes after his Daddy.  I can't get over how old he is looking.  He cannot really be about to turn seven, right!?

 Will loved sledding and just plain laying around in the snow.  Nonna bought this snowsuit for us at goodwill years ago.  Today was the first time we put it to use and Will LOVED it.  In fact I'm a bit worried he is going to try to wear it to school this week.

I don't remember the lats time I was on a sled.  I screamed like a little girl - and it was so much fun!

Now it's time to make some cookies - our favorite snow day activity.

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