Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Almost Seven

We had an early birthday celebration with some of my family on Sunday evening.  It was a gorgeous day with some great company!  I just can't get over how old he is looking.  I think it's the big teeth - and the fact that he needs a haircut isn't helping.

 When I asked Max what kind of cake he wanted he said he wanted to be surprised.  So he was.  He was so excited when he saw his Lego cake.  It does't compare to the alligator last year, but I didn't have help from the professional, AKA Aunt Carm, on this one.  He took the surprise part very seriously and covered his face until the cake was unveiled right before we started singing.

 Max was so cute reading his cards and opening his gifts.  He had fun playing Mastermind with Daddy, Nonno, and Great Uncle Mike.

While Max played with his new game the little boys drew pictures.  Will made us all so proud!  He announced that he was going to write his name - and he did!  It looked great and had all the right letters.  We were so impressed!
 I had to throw in one more picture because I just can't get over Jack's eyes.  They are so big and so blue!  No idea where those came from!

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