Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Birthday Max!

It's crazy hard to believe, but Max is officially seven years old.  That just sounds so old!!  We had a wonderful time celebrating his big day on Wednesday.  We met friends at one of our very favorite places - The Museum of Transportation.  The kids had lots of fun in the creation station, but the highlight was the miniature train.  It was so cold, but that didn't faze Max in the least.  He would have rode it again and again if I let him.

We met Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Tim at Max's very favorite restaurant.  He loves their cheese and crackers - it made Brian happy because it was a $1 kids meal night.

After dinner we came home to sing and have cake.  Once again Max wanted his cake to be a surprise.  I just think its so sweet that he feels like the cake is such a special part of his day.  It was tough to do since he was home on spring break all week, but I was pretty proud of my Mario creation.

Max was super excited to see it, then Brian asked him who it was and his face looked a bit blank before he guessed Santa.  We coulnd't stop laughing.  Eventually he figured out it was Mario and I felt a little bit better about my cake abilities.

After singing to Max we dug into the cake and before we knew it it was bedtime for the little boys.  Max and I snuggled up on the couch for stories and we read hte book of his first year.  I told him all about the day he was born and was reminded just how miraculous and wonderful March 18th really is. We are so lucky to be Max's parents and we count our blessings every day.  Happy Birthday Maxman!

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