Saturday, September 13, 2014

Family Picnic

Every summer when I was little my Great Uncle Mel put together a family picnic.  There weren't to many kids in my immediate family, so I always looked forward to this day every summer.  There were a few years where the picnic didn't quite happen, but the past three years it has been back and it is great.  There is a whole new generation of kids and it is so fun to watch them explore together.  

This year the picnic was last Sunday.  We couldn't have asked for a better day.  It was beautiful!  The kids had a great time exploring.  Jack was happy to hang out with Nonna and wander around every once in a while.  The big boys weren't so content.  There is a creek right by the shelter and they would have spent their whole day in the creek if we let them.  They had so much fun pointing out fish, getting dirty, and just plain being little boys.  It was so much fun to watch.  
On one of our several trips to the creek we saw a toad.  Actually Nonna spotted the toad - it was very well camouflaged and she has a great eye for all things nature.  The boys were in awe.  Watching them discover new things in the world is like seeing them for the first time myself.  Its just magical!
We had to leave before the yearly egg toss got underway - but we look forward to participating next year!

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