Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cub Scouts

This week Max and Brian went to an informational meeting about Cub Scouts.  Max was all excited - and if he's honest Brian is pretty excited about the pinewood derby - so we signed him up.  Thursday night was his first pack meeting.  I didn't know what to expect, but I can honestly say I didn't expect this!

After the flag ceremony they had everyone go outside and before we knew it there was a police helicopter overhead.  It landed on the blacktop twenty feet from the boys.  It was crazy!  The pilot and co-pilot got out of the helicopter and told the boys all about the work that they do.  Max was in awe - although it was really cold.  I think he is now even more excited about Cub Scouts - and I'm convinced that girl scouts is just lame comparatively.

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