Saturday, September 13, 2014

Apple Picking

While I don't like that fall leads into winter - I think I'm still scarred from all of the snow days last winter - I do love fall activities.  Today was a perfect example of an ideal fall day.  We started with Max's soccer game and then headed to the apple orchard after lunch. 
This little man got his first taste of an apple off the tree and there was no stopping him.  He munched on this same apple the entire time we were there.  He started getting close to the core, so I tried to turn it around and he wasn't having it.  His sweet little neck got all sticky with apple juice and his shirt was soaked, but still he munched.  In fact he held on to this same through the orchard, onto the tractor, while we waited in line to pay, and over into the play land.  He cried his little eyes out when he dropped it in the mud while we waited for his brothers to finish bouncing in the bounce house.

 The big boys didn't want to take time out to sample the apples.  They were on a mission.  They were going to get the biggest, reddest apples from the trees to take home with them.
Any other time we have gone fruit picking it always seems like Brian and I did a majority of the picking while the boys explored.  That wasn't the case today.  They picked everyone of those nineteen pounds themselves!
I just love these boys to death - and their Daddy too.  How did I get so lucky!

I can't wait to see what fall adventures we come up with for tomorrow and next weekend!

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