Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Sweetest Sound

This is not the most flattering video of me, but I just cannot get enough of hearing this little man's giggles.  He is almost like a little toy that you pull the sting and they laugh.  All I have to do is squeeze his sweet little thighs and he lets out the sweetest sound in the world.  It melts my heart every time.

Family Picnic

Every summer when I was little my Great Uncle Mel put together a family picnic.  There weren't to many kids in my immediate family, so I always looked forward to this day every summer.  There were a few years where the picnic didn't quite happen, but the past three years it has been back and it is great.  There is a whole new generation of kids and it is so fun to watch them explore together.  

This year the picnic was last Sunday.  We couldn't have asked for a better day.  It was beautiful!  The kids had a great time exploring.  Jack was happy to hang out with Nonna and wander around every once in a while.  The big boys weren't so content.  There is a creek right by the shelter and they would have spent their whole day in the creek if we let them.  They had so much fun pointing out fish, getting dirty, and just plain being little boys.  It was so much fun to watch.  
On one of our several trips to the creek we saw a toad.  Actually Nonna spotted the toad - it was very well camouflaged and she has a great eye for all things nature.  The boys were in awe.  Watching them discover new things in the world is like seeing them for the first time myself.  Its just magical!
We had to leave before the yearly egg toss got underway - but we look forward to participating next year!

Cub Scouts

This week Max and Brian went to an informational meeting about Cub Scouts.  Max was all excited - and if he's honest Brian is pretty excited about the pinewood derby - so we signed him up.  Thursday night was his first pack meeting.  I didn't know what to expect, but I can honestly say I didn't expect this!

After the flag ceremony they had everyone go outside and before we knew it there was a police helicopter overhead.  It landed on the blacktop twenty feet from the boys.  It was crazy!  The pilot and co-pilot got out of the helicopter and told the boys all about the work that they do.  Max was in awe - although it was really cold.  I think he is now even more excited about Cub Scouts - and I'm convinced that girl scouts is just lame comparatively.

Apple Picking

While I don't like that fall leads into winter - I think I'm still scarred from all of the snow days last winter - I do love fall activities.  Today was a perfect example of an ideal fall day.  We started with Max's soccer game and then headed to the apple orchard after lunch. 
This little man got his first taste of an apple off the tree and there was no stopping him.  He munched on this same apple the entire time we were there.  He started getting close to the core, so I tried to turn it around and he wasn't having it.  His sweet little neck got all sticky with apple juice and his shirt was soaked, but still he munched.  In fact he held on to this same through the orchard, onto the tractor, while we waited in line to pay, and over into the play land.  He cried his little eyes out when he dropped it in the mud while we waited for his brothers to finish bouncing in the bounce house.

 The big boys didn't want to take time out to sample the apples.  They were on a mission.  They were going to get the biggest, reddest apples from the trees to take home with them.
Any other time we have gone fruit picking it always seems like Brian and I did a majority of the picking while the boys explored.  That wasn't the case today.  They picked everyone of those nineteen pounds themselves!
I just love these boys to death - and their Daddy too.  How did I get so lucky!

I can't wait to see what fall adventures we come up with for tomorrow and next weekend!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of Preschool!

Wow.  I just can't believe this little one is old enough for preschool.

 We have been talking about it for weeks and last Wednesday he and I headed over to meet his teachers and see his classroom.  He was super excited this morning when he posed for some pictures - and of course he had to include his special book bag.

Since today was the first day I walked him into his classroom.  His teachers seem so nice and he was off exploring right away.  He seemed so at home.  I walked over to give him a kiss and tell him goodbye and the poor little guy just lost it.  He didn't want me to leave.  It was awful!  The teacher had to pry him off of my leg so I could leave.  I really wasn't expecting any tears from him so I was surprise - and I may have shed a tear or two myself. I am happy to say it didn't last long.  About ten minutes after I left his teacher sent me a text with a picture of him riding a scooter and flashing a huge grin.  Not a tear in sight.  Will was all smiles when I picked him up and he can't wait to head back on Thursday!

Happy Labor Day!

What an amazing weekend we have had!  Too bad every weekend doesn't include an extra day.  We headed out of town to visit the cousins now that they are all settled into their new house.  The kids were great on the drive - even if we did have to stop six times in as many hours on the way up.   

On Saturday morning we headed out to the Museum of Science and Industry.  I forgot hte camera in the van so I don't have any pictures of this part of our adventure.  I wish I did because the kids loved it.  There was a portion of the museum that was all hands on creative activites for kids.  There was even a portion set aside for little bitty guys, so Jack was able to get in on the action too.  Other highlights included walking on an airplane suspended from the ceiling, driving a simulated combine, and exploring a train.  We need to go back because we only saw a tiny part of it.

On Sunday we headed to the western part of town for an 1890's fair.  From music machines, to jugglers, to a stilt walker.  This place had it all! 

I think their favorite part was the hayride through the fields.  Doesn't Max look too cute in his sunglasses.  So grown up!
The kids also had fun with all the farm animals on display.  Will got up close and personal with a chicken and Max took this cute little lamb for a walk.

Other than these two outings we just enjoyed time with the cousins.  There were a few playground outings, lots of backyard fun, and several delicious meals.  The weekend couldn't have been any better.