Sunday, July 13, 2014

Role Models

I had several role models to look up to as a kid.  One of them was the family I grew up next to.  Bev was like a second mom to me and her daughter, Karen, was my big sister.  I have so many happy memories from my childhood that include Bev, and I'm so sad that she passed away yesterday. 

We knew it was coming, she had been in hospice care for a little over a week.  I was lucky to be able to visit with her several times. 

During one of my visits the chaplain from hospice stopped by.  He was a wonderful man and he talked to Bev so kindly.  She introduced me to him and told him that I have three sweet little boys and that my husband and I are very family oriented.  Thinking of Bev describing me this way brings tears to my eyes. 

I learned so much about being a family from her.  She and her husband loved thier kids with all thier being.  They took family vacations and spent so much time together.  Bev made every outing an adventure.  She would call me when I was home alone in the summers and ask if I wanted to go 'bummin' with her and Karen.  I lived for those phone calls.  We would run errands and I loved every minute I spent with them.  

I'm so lucky to have known Bev and I'm glad my boys got to know her too.  Thanks to her I do my best to make running errands fun and I try to make the most of every moment I get to spend with my family. This morning we went on a family adventure to our new favorite park.  The kids had a great time playing on the playground, but the highlight was the path to the pond.  They fed the fish and turtles in the pond and loved every minute.  I couldn't help but think that Bev was looking down and she was happy with what she saw. 

I'm so proud to have been her friend and I'm even more proud that she saw me as a family oriented mom.  Hopfully I'm half the mom she was.

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