Saturday, July 5, 2014

Botanical Garden

Mother Nature has blessed us with more beautiful weather.  We took advantage on Thursday and headed to the Botanical Garden with Nonna and cousin Carissa.  It was amazing.  They currently have a Lego exhibit in the climatron.  Our little Lego man was very excited about it.  He was even more excited because near each display there was a sign telling us how many Lego's it took to build.  The butterfly was over 60,000  - Max was officially impressed.

After the Legos we explored more of the Garden.  Max was happy to tell us where to go - after all he had a map :)

Before we knew it the time had come for us to get in line for the tram.  We rode this for the first time last year and its a really nice way to see the garden.  Of course, it's close enough to a train to make the boys' day.  While we waited Nonna had a great time playing with Jack and Will.  Jack is getting so close to walking.  I think it will happen very soon and he was happy to get out of his stroller and practice his skills.

Will had a great time too.  He thought it was pretty great when he could run around and he loved his time playing with Nonna and a hanging fern.  It was a great outing and I can't wait to head back!

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