Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gardenland Express 2013

This has become one of my favorite holiday traditions.   For the past three years we have taken a bit of time out the day before Thanksgiving to head over to the Missouri Botanical Garden's for their gardenland express train exhibit.  This year was even more fun because Daddy was off work and our good friend Bev joined us.
As in years past, there is a scavenger hunt that accompanies the exhibit and gives the kids something to work on.  Max was immediately a man on a mission.  This years theme was all about the foods we get from plants.  The kids were able to see grapefruit, kumquat, and lime trees on display, although I think they were just more excited about the trains.
 Will always wants to be just like big brother, so he had to get in on the scavenger hunt action as well.  The look of sheer wonder on his face when he found one of the items on his list was just priceless.
Jack enjoyed taking in the views as well.  He hung out in the ergo and just looked around in awe - until he fell asleep that is.  Which is understandable, after all I did mess with his nap to make this outing happen. 

The boys were good sports and explored for about thirty minutes or so before they were done. Here poor Will just really wants to take some pictures, rather than being in them.  His sad little face is just too cute.
I'm excited to celebrate the holiday with the Dull clan tomorrow. Max and Will can't wait to see their cousins - and the rest of the family too, of course. 

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