Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Welcome Home Jack!

After four days in the hospital we were all anxious for Mommy and Jack to come home.  So far Jack has been a really easy going baby.  He snuggles up and is just so darn cute!  In fact the baby nurses fought over who got to take care of the 'cute one'.  He is all baby and absolutely adorable.

After Jack and I were both checked out one last time we were all set to head home.  Jack looked too darn cute in the little outfit that Max picked out for him a couple months ago.  It is crazy, but since Jack is pretty long the outfit barely fit him!  He was his sweet little self and slept the whole way home.

Once we got home Jack met his future little lovey.  Nonna Carlotta bought one both of the other boys.  They are the cutest little dolls and the big boys love them.  Sardine the Cat will be with Jack for quite a while.

Little by little we are getting into a routine at home.  The big boys continue to love on their little brother and when they get home in the afternoon they can't wait to see him.  Jack continues to be his sweet little self.  Brian and I are doing well too - thanks to the help of our wonderful families.  Nonna has done laundry like no other, Grandma and Grandpa delivered a delicious home cooked meal, and Great Aunt Carm came to sit with Mommy when I just needed a bit of company.  We couldn't ask for better family!

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