Friday, May 31, 2013

One Month Old

I feel like I've blinked and a month has gone by.  My littlest boy is growing so quickly!  He seems to be a bit longer and a big chunkier every day and sometimes I look at him and can't believe how much he has changed in a month.  Some of the three month clothes are almost too small for him. It is amazing to watch. 

We had his one month check up with Dr. Joe yesterday.  Max was with me and he was all concerned that Jack would need to get a shot - "because Mommy, shots hurt"  I love the way he looks out for his brothers.  I know that will serve them all well as they grow.  As they wheeled in the scale I felt my typical sense of apprehension.  I thought Jack had been growing well, but was he really?  Is he getting what he needs from me?  Well sure enough he is. He weighed in at 10lbs 9oz and measured 22 1/2 in - nearly three pounds and two inches over his birthday stats.  Crazy.  Dr. Joe did notice that Jack still seemed a bit yellow, so he sent us to get a bilirubin check.  Turns out it is a bit high and we will have to have it rechecked in about a week.

This picture cracks me up.  I thought it would be nice to take monthly pictures in the same place with Jack's little lovey -you know like pinterest says?  This is what I got.  Maybe the two month shot will go better.

So what else has Jack been up to?  Not too much actually.  I have been savoring every moment of our Mommy and Jack time before the big brothers finish school/daycare for the summer.  Come next Monday I will have my hands really full!  Jack is giving me more 'open eye' time each day.  He is typically pretty content and he loves hanging out on his newborn lounger and listening to me talk to him.  He is becoming more aware of what is going on around him and he seems to be responding to sounds.  He doesn't quite have the coordination to turn to sounds yet, but his eyes seem to look around.  I can't wait for the social smiles that I know are coming in the next few weeks.  So much fun!

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