Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Train Show

What a fun weekend.  Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day - especially for January.  We spent an hour and a half at the park.  Will climbed on everything and Max even helped him down the really, really big bumpy slide.  I don't know whose smile was bigger on the way down, Max's or Will's.  It was adorable.

Today the weather was much more Januaryish - it was freezing.  We were looking for something fun to do and stumbled across the Train Show downtown at the convention center.  Max was so excited he couldn't stay still.  I think this exihibt was his favorite - all of the trains were from the Island of Sodor, you know Thomas's home town.  It doesn't get much better than that when you are four. 

All three of boys enjoyed a moment sitting down watching this multi track system.  I swear they had more fun than it looks like in this picture.  I didn't want to take the big camera, so I just had to settle for the camera on my phone.  It really was a great weekend, I will need to be on the lookout for more fun family events to get us through the rest of the winter.  Spring can't get here soon enough!

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