Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Great Sleepover

Max has been talking about having a sleepover for weeks.  I don't know where he came up with the idea, but it really stuck with him.  Today he called his Nonna to see if she would come over for a sleepover tonight.  Luckily she is off work tomorrow and was happy to oblige.  They started the evening by icing some cupcakes that Max and I made earlier. 

Max did a pretty good job with the frosting and he was extra careful not to waste any.  In fact he was so worried about waste that he made sure he licked the butter knife clean.

While Will didn't get to ice any cupcakes, he sure enjoyed eating them.  Sometimes I think I must be crazy, but I swear he has a phrase that means 'I want that'.  All three words blend together to make one word, but he then points at where he wants whatever it is he wants.  Tongiht he wanted a cupcake right in front of him.  He also loved watching Nonna show him the pictures on his phone.  He thought that was pretty fun. 

After a bath, Max was ready to try out one of his new games from Nonna and Nonno - Spot It.  It is a pretty cute little game and the two had a great tiem playing.  Then off to bed.  I'm looking forward to the fact that Max has already announced that when he wakes up in the morning the first thing he is going to do is go to Nonna's room.  Maybe Mommy and Daddy will be able to get a little bit of extra sleep.  I can hope, right?

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