Thursday, January 24, 2013

Calendar Guy

One of our good family friends bought us a membership for the zoo for Christmas.  A perk of the membership is a really nice calendar.  Max was so excited when it arrived - although he doesn't look to thrilled int he picture.  He immediately opened it up and we started writing down all kinds of important days.  His job everyday is to cross of the day.  He takes it very seriously. 

It has gotten to the point where if something isn't on the calendar it doesn't exist.  I tried to clip his fingernails the other night, which he hates, and he told me we couldn't because it wasn't on the calendar.  We wrote it down for the next day and he willing let me clip away.  He is beginning to write things on the calendar himself too.  Baby Jesus means we can finally put the nativity away for the year.  I told him it had to be put away in January so he picked the very last day possible.  Too funny.

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