Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms - and almost or just like a moms - out there. This morning Max gave me this little gift that he made at preschool this week. It brought me to tears. My little man is just growing up so fast. I couldn't help but think about the Mother's Days when Brian and I were hoping for a baby and it just wasn't happening. I knew I would become a momma somehow, but those days were still incredibly, unbelievable hard. My heart goes out to anyone in that situation and unless you have been there you cannot possibly understand. Our struggles to conceive make me all the more appreciative of the family we have built. Every day really is my mother's day.
Here I am celebrating my fifth Mother's Day as a mom and I couldn't ask for anything more. My goal this morning was to sleep in, that didn't quite happen, but we did get to enjoy a fun First Watch breakfast together as a family. After breakfast we put Will down for his morning nap and we prepared to head out to the zoo. This was Will's first trip to the zoo and he hung out in the Ergo the whole time.
I love 'wearing' him. I get to look down and see this beautiful smiling face - who wouldn't love that? Will looked to cute in his too big Cardinal's hat, this was the first time he actually wore it. Every other time I put it on him he pulls it off within seconds.
Max, of course, couldn't wait to ride the train. We hopped on and took the train to the River's Edge. The whole time we were walking through and looking at animals Max was on the lookout for the train. He took few minutes out to pose for pictures with daddy and a cobra - I think he was trying to figure out if the snake was real. Lucky for him is wasn't.
He also cracked us up when he busted out the zoo map and tried to find where we could board the train again. The scary thing is he was able to figure it out. Max has a freakishly good sense of direction.
After our last train ride we headed over to Nonna's house to finish the holiday with her. What a wonderful Mother's Day, but as my mom reminds me all the time - everyday is Mother's Day and not a day goes by that I take that honor for granted.

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