Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break Tuesday

I was all disappointed that it was supposed to rain all week when I'm off. Fortunately, the weather men were wrong. What a beautiful Tuesday morning! We played outside for a while this morning.

Max was all excited to bring out his bucket of cars so he could 'wash' them in the dirt. He even let me know when they were clean so I could take them inside.

Will on the other hand was not so wild about our outdoor time. He had his first touch of the grass and he didn't like it one bit. The only thing that would appease him was playing with mommy's phone. Go figure. I think part of it was that it was almost nap time for Will. Maybe we can get some more outdoor time this afternoon and he will be in better spirits.

I'm hoping the weather cooperates again tomorrow so we can do some type of fun outing. I'm not sure what yet, but I need something to keep this big four year old busy - not to mention to keep momma sane.

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