Wednesday, March 21, 2012

11 Months Old

Will celebrated turning eleven months old with a visit from his friend Blake. The two boys enjoyed banging on the loud silver bowl together. Well I guess a more accurate description would be that Will banged while Blake encouraged him by blowing raspberries. A fun time was had by all.

So let's see. . . what is new with Will this month? Well he spends most of his day pulling up on things, just so he can practice falling back down. He has perfected a graceful plop. Will has also discovered a love of table foods. Most of his meals are now real foods and he is doing pretty well with it. In fact I even broke down and bought him braunschweiger. Totally disgusting, I know, but he can't get enough of the stuff.

Will has also perfected his play of So Big and loves to attempt patty cake. He can clap, but he gets so excited when I start singing the patty cake song that he just starts waving his hands and forgets all about the clapping. He just laughs and laughs in anticipation of the belly tickles he knows come at the end of the song.

We have a visit from our Parents as Teachers educator tomorrow. Sue is wonderful and I always look forward to her visits. I feel like she really does a good job of outlining what milestones Will should hit next.

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