Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Max!

Wow. Four years ago today our little man graced us with his presence. Every day since has been and adventure and a blessing. Max is a lucky little man because he had not one, not two, but three birthday cakes so far. . .

We headed to Kansas City to visit friends this weekend and on Friday afternoon Kristen, Max and I made a birthday cake. When we cut into the cake after dinner Max was quick to remind us that we forgot to sing. Saturday we spent with our friends the Slattery's. Graham and his daddy made Max another cake and this time we remembered to sing first. Max was so excited to blow out the candles that he drooled on the cake. Today was birthday cake number three at Nonna and Nonno's house. Uncle Will and Aunt Sue were in town from New York and several other family members came over to celebrate Max turning four. Luckily for all in attendance he was able to keep his drool under control when blowing out his candles tonight.

It has been a wonderful birthday weekend for Max and as it does every year it makes me think of how lucky we are to have Max in our lives. I also can't help but think about how much our lives have changed and how much I have learned. Year four of motherhood has taught me. . .

  • pictures are more valuable than nearly anything else
  • a good camera helps with the picture taking
  • dropping the afternoon nap makes for tough weekends
  • enforcing 'quite time' in his room is hard
  • library fines add up quickly - I still am too embarrassed to admit just how much my fine added up to
  • setting up play dates is tough when you work full time
  • parent teacher conferences feel very different from the other side of the table
  • 'squishy pants' make for a happy, although not very stylish, boy
  • preschool is exhausting
  • my little guy is tougher and more well rounded than I give him credit for
  • Max is an amazing big brother
  • starfall is a great website - some day I may even buck up and pay for full site access
  • it is tough to make Halloween costumes
  • Christmas is amazing now that Max really gets it
  • every day is full of wonder when you are three - from trash trucks, to police cars, to boogers - everything is exciting
  • a little boy can never have enough cars
  • watching Max in his big brother role makes me love him even more
  • Max is one smart cookie - although I have to admit this isn't something I just learned
  • I don't think Max will ever get tired of his 'Max music'
  • even on a rough day, I'm still the luckiest lady around

There are days when I want to pinch myself - I still can't believe that I am fortunate enough to have two amazing little boys. When I think of the day Max was born it seems like yesterday, but then in some ways it seems like so long ago. What an incredible four years! I can only imagine the joy, laughter, and fun that the next four years will bring.

1 comment:

Love+ Mama said...

Happy Birthday, Max!