Friday, November 11, 2011

Pitiful Will

My poor baby boy. He was a bit cranky on Wednesday and then I got the dreaded 'fever' call from the sitter at work yesterday. I picked him up after school and my poor little guy was just plain pitiful! He just cried and cried for most of the night.

Momma stayed home with Will so that I could take him to the doctor this morning - which is a good thing because he also woke up with a pink, swollen right eye. Sure enough my poor little guy has an ear infection (luckily the eye is just a clogged duct and some icky drainage). After heading to Target to fill his prescription Will and I spent the rest of the day at home. After a dose of medicine he seemed to perk up a bit. We had lots of snuggle time and in between we played on the floor with one of his new favorite toys the rocking rings.

I think after just two doses of medicine and lots of love from momma, Will isn't quite as pitiful.

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