Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Don't you just love that pumpkin? Brian stole the idea from someone else on Facebook and he was pretty proud of how it turned out.
Grandpa and Uncle Tim came by to see the kids in their costumes - and to pose for a couple pictures. I swear every time time I see the kids in their costumes they look cuter and cuter. Max celebrated the holiday at preschool with not one, but two, parties. I guess that is a perk of being a five day a week kiddo. After all the celebrating his yellow pants weren't looking quite as yellow.

This was the first year that Max went trick or treating and he loved it! He and daddy headed out while Will and I hung out and passed out candy to the few trick or treaters that came our way. I have to say that our first Halloween in the new house was a little sad. In our last house we would get 100 + visitors, tonight I think we got 20. I guess we will have to keep that in mind for next year.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pre-Halloween Festivities

My aunt and uncle were kind enough to host a pre-Halloween celebration last night. Max and Will were able to show off their costumes to our family and they were a hit! Who would love to see The Man in the Yellow Hat and Curious George?
Aunt Carm had pumpkins for the kids to decorate as well as sidewalk chalk. Max had a great time decorating his pumpkin and he loved drawing on the sidewalk with the chalk.

Will was passed around from person to person and everyone commented on how easy going he was. I swear he looked too darn cute with his little monkey ears - and I can't get enough of those big blue eyes.

Max also had a great time roasting marshmallows in the fireplace, but he didn't want anything to do with turning his marshmallow into a smore. I don't get it :) The boys did pose for a pictures with the other little ones at the party. Four adorable little boys running around - crazy!

The holiday celebration will continue for Max tomorrow as he has his second Halloween party at preschool. I'm also excited to celebrate our first Halloween in the new house - I wonder how many kiddos will visit. . .

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fun Famiy Pictures

Last Saturday a friend of ours from college was in town. LeeAnn has started a photography business and was kind enough to take the time to come capture some incredible pictures of our boys. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures when we receive our cd! Take a peek at the pictures on her blog:

We are heading to my aunt's tonight for a fun little Halloween get together. I will be sure to post lots of pictures tomorrow of The Man in the Yellow Hat and his buddy Curious George!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Half Birthday to Will!

Has it really been six months since our newest little miracle graced us with his presence? How is it possible that time has gone this quickly? Will continues to grow and astound us every day.

So what has Will been up to as he hits this big six month milestone? Well he has been working hard to balance himself and sit up. He still doesn't quite have it down, but he seems to get better and better at it everyday. He uses his hands to help balance himself, but as soon as he reaches for anything he is down for the count. I think Will needs to really concentrate to sit up, so he wasn't too willing to give me smiles while he sat.

He continues to teeth like crazy. Sophie and his Nuby teething ring have become his new best friends. Max had at least two teeth at this point - thank you past blog post for helping me to remember - but Will's don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to make an appearance. He does LOVE to put everything into his mouth now, and since he is crazy flexible this also includes his feet. I have also noticed that his hand eye coordination has greatly improved over the past month or so. He can grab anything and get it right where he wants it, which usually happens to be in his mouth. He sometimes passes toys between hands.

Will has his six month check up on the third of November, so I will talk to his pediatrician about how I should go about starting solids. Can you tell I'm not too terribly excited about this milestone? To tell the truth Will hasn't really even seemed interested at all until the last week or two, so I don't feel too badly about it. I guess I need to bring up the highchair!

In honor of Will's half birthday we have a friend coming over to take pictures of the boys tomorrow - and maybe a few of Brian and I too. We went to college with LeeAnn and she is just starting a photography business. Her pictures are gorgeous and I can't wait to see her work her magic tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for pictures soon!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin Picking

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day to hit the pumpkin patch with Aunt Kathy and the cousins. I was excited that we were actually able to take the kids out into the field to see how the pumpkins grew. I tried explaining that pumpkins grow from the flowers on the vine, but the kids were more interested in climbing on the giant pumpkins than in listening to my science lesson.

We did get Baby Will out of the Ergo long enough to pose for a picture with his big brother and cousins. Paisley cracked us up when she complained that Will was making her tummy hurt. I guess that is a five year old way of saying get this baby off of me.

The kids played at the playground for a while and we posed for a family shot. It is scary how few family pictures we have - most of them are just of the boys. We did leave with one small pumpkin. I tried to convince Max to pick out a better one, but he was pretty insistent. Today he realized he didn't make the best pick. He looked at his pumpkin on the counter when we got home, told me it was 'icky' and tried to throw it away. He cracks me up!

As we enjoyed the pumpkin patch yesterday I couldn't help but think of where we were a year ago. We had an offer to buy our house, I was about four months pregnant, and we were preparing to move in with my parents. We didn't even make it to the pumpkin patch last year. This year is a whole different ball game. We have not one, but two beautiful little boys to enjoy the fall. We are well settled in our new house and still can't believe we actually sold the old one. I have even started working on the boys Halloween costumes - or maybe I should say I started on Will's and Nonna has started on Max's. What a difference a year makes!