Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sleep, Glourious Sleep

At first I thought it was a fluke (now watch, now that I am making it official with a blog post it will end) but Will has become the super sleeper. Or at least what I consider a super sleeper for an eleven week old. He goes down between 9:30 and 10pm and for the past two weeks he has been sleeping until 5am or so. That is almost eight hours of sleep! Wow! There have been a few blips on the screen when he wakes up at around 3:30 but he has made so much progress. I'm so proud of my little sleeper. He is also giving away more and more smiles (just not for the camera). He tolerates the bouncer and has really begun to love the swing - which is such a switch for us, Max hated the swing but loved his bouncer. In fact he is swinging away while I type. He is just such an amazingly, easy going little guy. We are so lucky! I hope I'm not jinxing myself with this post . . .

1 comment:

Love+ Mama said...

I don't think you jinxed it! Here's to 8 hours of sleep. It's not unheard of at this age! YAY!