Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Field Trip Wednesday

I have mentioned before that since Wednesday is our only non-therapy day of the week I have been attempting to plan outings with the boys. I was thinking of hitting the Magic House today - by myself with both kids - and then my sanity returned so I thought we could head to Laumeier Sculpture Park. Their website said they had a children's area so I packed up the boys and off we went. I'm sad to say that it was quite a disappointment. I'm not the biggest art aficionado and it wasn't as nearly kid friendly as I was hoping. As we wandered about the park, Max kept asking 'where is the park?'. He did think it was fun to count the giant metal buoys of one sculpture. He told me there were fifty two after walking down the line and counting them. I read the sign and learned there were actually fifty five, so he wasn't too far off. I swear Will was with us, but I had him in my new favorite toy - my ergo carrier - so it was a little tough to get his picture.

I think Max had more fun playing with his cars before we left. It cracks me up the way he lines up his cars and moves them throughout the house.

1 comment:

Love+ Mama said...

I had the same feeling after visiting the "children's garden." what good is a children's garden if you can't climb on stuff! Glad you enjoyed the outing anyway!