Saturday, April 30, 2011

One Week and Growing!

Will is one week old. . . plus two days. I 'm a little late posting. Will was all ready to go on Thursday morning as we headed to the pediatrician his one week checkup. Fortunately, we were the only ones in the waiting room so I didn't have to worry too much about Will catching any crazy diseases. The doctor said that he looks great! He weighed in at 6 lb 8 oz - that's only one ounce less than his birth weight! I was thrilled with this. Max took a full two weeks to get back to birth weight and it was rather stressful. I'm glad that Will is packing on the pounds, or rather ounces.

We are settling into a routine at home. Will does pretty well at night so far, he wakes up every three hours to eat, but he does go back to sleep pretty easily. We have been trying to do some fun things with Max to help him with the transition. Thank goodness for Nonna Carlotta! She took Max on his first bus ride on Thursday, this may sound silly but he loves buses. He loved it! He was enthralled with the bus driver and can't wait to go on another bus ride soon. Nonna also came over and helped us bake some cookies yesterday. Will even woke up to see what all the excitement was about!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Will Meets Leo

I have blogged in the past about Monkey Man - Max's favorite little stuffed animal that Nonna Carlotta bought for him. He snuggles with Monkey Man every night and brings him to day care every day. Well today Will got to meet his little future lovey - Leo the Lion. Leo is almost as big as Will at this point and Will can't really snuggle with him yet, but it was too cute to see Leo and Will laying on the pillow together.

Max continues to be a big helper. He brings Leo to Will whenever he sees that the two are not together. Max doesn't like to be without his Monkey Max so he wants to make sure that Will isn't without Leo. Too cute!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We have been home for almost 24 hours as a family o four. I have to say I'm glad to be home. It was tough having our family split up for the past four days. Max has been giving Brian a run for his money and I missed my little Max Man!

Brian and I brought Will home yesterday with a clean bill of health. He had even gained an ounce our last day in the hospital! Who-hoo! We came home and got all set up before Brian went to pick Max up from daycare. When Max came home he was so excited to see mommy and baby Will. He couldn't wait for mommy to play trains and he was more than willing to help baby will with his pacifier.

Today Max is at day care again to give us a little time to relax and, drumroll please, get the yard tractor delivered from Sears! Brian is all excited about his riding lawn mower. He was telling Will all about it when I got out of the shower this morning. I think part of him is glad to have another boy to some day help with all the yard work.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


It is so strange to think that I am now momma to not one, but two, amazing little boys. Little by little Max is willing to get closer and closer to Will. Today the photographer came to take Will's newborn pictures and Max was actually very willing to participate. He helped hold in Will's pacifier while daddy held him. We actually got some really cute shots.

Will is adjusting well to life in the outside world. He is nursing like a champ and doing everything a two day old should. He has dropped a few ounces, but not too much. We are hoping he begins to gain a little sooner than his big brother did when he was a newborn. He doesn't cry too often and when he does he is pretty easy to console. I have a feeling he is saving up the really big cries for when we get home. We have had lots of fun visitors over the past few days. Here Will poses with his Nonno Mason, Great-Uncle Mike, and cousin Tony. I think my family is becoming very male dominated.

I just had to throw another pic of our handsome new little man. I think Will looks just like Max did when he was a newborn. . . although Will does have more hair!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

And it is a boy!

Finally, the journey is over. After 38.5 weeks of growing the little guy he made his appearance today. The water broke early this morning and after hustling to the hospital, they decided to section Sarah. They moved pretty quick and just 15 mins after the surgery started baby Will was pulled out. William Isaac was born 6 lbs 9 oz and ~19 inches (haven't gotten the official length yet).

Given that we knew the chances section were very high, it seemed to go much smoother this time. There wasn't the urgency and rush of when Max was born.

Baby Will and momma are doing well.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bedrest - Day 17

At 38 weeks I'm feeling pretty done cooking this baby. Today is also day 17 of bedrest, with the increase in my blood pressure the doctor thinks it is better safe than sorry. So no cooking, cleaning, or chasing Max for me! I basically sit on the couch all day switching sides when my hip begins to ache. . . sounds like fun doesn't it? It will all be worth it in the end when Baby #2 makes his/her arrival! I think Max has seen mommy laying around a little too much because this is how I found him when I went to the restroom yesterday. He wanted to be just like mommy.

All in all we are more than ready for Baby #2 to arrive. Brian and I spent last night putting together the swing, bouncer, and pack n play - or more accuratly, Brian put everything together while I sat and supervised. Just getting these few things together makes me feel better. I swear I lay on the couch all day thinking of all the things I can do - then I write them on a list for Brian to take care of later.

I saw the doctor last Tuesday and will head in again this Wednesday. We have a c-section scheduled for Monday, April 25th at 9am. Sounds like a good day for a birthday, right? Now if only my blood pressure will hold steady until then. . . I really don't want to make another trek to the Women's Evaluation Unit at the hospital. I've been there three times over the past two weeks and it isn't too fun.