Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sick Again?

I got the dreaded call this afternoon from Max's sitter. . . the fever call. Max had a 101.6 temp under his arm this afternoon. I found someone to cover my class for an hour or so and I headed to pick him up. I called the doctor and I was able to get in this afternoon. I was sure that she would just tell me it was a virus and that I would just need to let it run it's course. That wasn't the case. Ends up our little man has ANOTHER ear infection! We are back on the Augmenton, so hopefully it will be better soon so that Max won't be sick for his birthday.

I did get to take a couple cute pictures of Max today. He loves to stand up at the cabinets and when he loves things he doesn't just smile, he yells! After another dose of Motrin he was ready to dig into dinner. Ravioli - Yum! Good thing it was a bath night!

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