Monday, March 23, 2009

Cake . . . Yum!

We had a birthday party for Max on Saturday. It was so much fun to celebrate his first year with our friends and family. Max opened his presents, or at least mom and dad did, he just wanted to sit on the floor playing with the tissue paper and ribbon.

It was funny when we were singing Max loved being the center of attention. He couldn't take his eyes off his Elmo cake. Isn't it cute! Gotta love Sam's! I also love Max's birthday hat. He wore it in the store for over 10 minutes, so I thought it would be worth the $5, but then at his party he wanted nothing to do with it, until the cake came out. Then he couldn't care less that mommy put a crazy Sesame Street hat on his head.

After we sang we gave Max his very own cupcake, with the '1' on it of course. He didn't hesitate long, he just dug right in!

This was his first taste of cake . . . and he loved it! He did a pretty good job of getting most of his cupcake into his mouth, although some did end up on the floor.

No matter how messy he gets, we just love our little man to pieces!

Now if only our flight to San Francisco tomorrow goes
as well as his party, we will be in good shape. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well!

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