Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Shoes

Yesterday we had Max's one year photo shoot. The pictures turned out pretty well. I should be able to post a couple on the blog next week. I have to say that I became a bit obsessed with what Max would be wearing in his pictures. Since he is a March baby I wanted him to look 'springy'. I had him wear a cute little pair of overall shorts and a collared shirt. It was my first Gymboree purchase, I have to say they have nice things and their sizes run much more true to size. Since he was wearing shorts, I wanted him to have a cute little pair of sandals to go with them.

We went back to Laurie's and luckily he didn't get beat up this time! We tried on a ton of different shoes and finally settled on a pair. While we were there the salesman checked out his other shoes and they are already way too small! I feel bad that I didn't notice. So until the weather warms up Max will be sporting the socks with sandals look, which you can see in the picture. He will be very upset with me at some point over this!

Since the weather has been nice we spent some time outside this morning. Max just loves being outside! He just takes everything in like a little sponge. The wind really started to pick up since there is a storm headed our way, so we took Max inside. Apparently he hadn't had his outside fill yet, so he just stood at the door for another 20 minutes. I may be partial, but I think our little man is the cutest child around!
I also want to update on our sleep issues. I think I can officailly say that the crying thing worked for us. After that first night he has not cried for more than five minutes and I think he has learned that he can put himself back to sleep. That first night was incredibly tough, but I am so glad that we did it. Now all of our family is well rested, not to mention much happier!

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