Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

What a wonderful Christmas it has been! It is always fun to spend time with our friends and famiy and Max was a perfect addition to the festivities. His first Christmas was a busy one! Every Christmas Eve my family gets together. It is a rather large gathering, including lots of Max's Great-Great relatives. We used the opportunity to take lots and lots of pictures!

I love this picture of Max with his Great, Great Uncles - Joe, Sam, and Mel. These three amazing men are my grandmothers brothers and Christmas wouldn't be compete without them. It is fun to think that this picture represents the youngest and the oldest of my family.

Here is Max with his Great Aunt Carmelina and his
cousin Aurelio. We were all so glad that he came in from San Fransico for the holiday!

Here is Max with Nonna Carlotta and cousins Nia and Carissa. Nis is a sophmore at Missouri State and Carissia is just starting chiropractic school here in town. We are so glad to have her closer to us. Note that he is now missing his sweater vest. . .

I think this was my favorite picture of the evening. Max just loves his Nonna.

Here we are opening gifts with Max. Not only his he missing his vest, where did those socks go??

Can you tell we were enjoying the evening? Max has a couple very crazy Uncles! You can also see that at this point in the evening he was a bare diaper baby. He has no shame. . .

We hope that everyone had as wonderful a holiday was we did. Every day truly is a blessing! Merry Christmas!

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