Tuesday, December 23, 2008

9 Months Old

It is the time again, monthly update time for our little Max Man. We had his 9 month check up with Dr. Spewak last Thursday. Our little man now weighs in at 21 lb 15 oz and measures 29 3/4 inches long. He is still in the 95th percentile for height, but he has dropped down to the 50th for weight. He is becoming a long and lean little boy. I was a bit concerned about the drop in percentile on his weight. Dr. Spewak doesn't think it is really anything to worry about at this point. I think part of it is due to the fact that Momma's wells are going dry. We are now having to supplement with quite a bit of formula, not only at day care, but when I am at home with him too. I feel really sad about this. I was really hoping to make it to the year mark, but I don't think that is going to happen.

Max looked like the picture of health at his check up, that is until they checked his ears. . .They are both infected! He had an infection in one a couple weeks ago and was put antibiotics. It doesn't' seem to have cleared up like we would hope so he is now on a different medicine, so hopefully that will take care of the problem. He doesn't seem too fazed by the whole thing.

He has been a very busy boy too! Nonna Carlotta and Nonno Mason came over to visit with Max this past Sunday evening. They missed him! He was very excited to show off all of his new tricks for them. The most exciting is that he is officially crawling! No more GI Joe here! He has finally figured out how to work is arms and legs together without dragging his body behind him. He thinks his new trick is pretty fun and I am worried that he is going to start building up speed here shortly.

I am so excited to spend our first Christmas with Max. I know that it will be lots of fun and I can't wait to see all of our family over the next two days. However you celebrate I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

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