Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas with the Dull's

Santa came to visit a little early this year. Since Max's Grandpa Jack, Grandma Mindy, and Uncle Tim will all be out of town for Christmas we celebrated tonight. They came over for dinner and some fun around the tree, which sure seems to be losing needles at an alarming rate. We even got all of the Dull men to pose for a picture. It was fun to slow down and enjoy a nice evening together. Things are just so crazy this time of year.

Max had fun opening his presents, or at least we had fun watching them. He really seemed to like the bows and the box. I guess that is to be expected of a little one that isn't even quite nine months old yet. Even though Max hasn't perfected opening presents he does have a few new tricks. He is now a master army crawler - he can get where ever he wants. He seems to be able to find the remote control even when we can't. He spends quite a bit of time going from sitting to his tummy and back again. He thinks it is fun that he can do this himself. He also has discoverd that he can make noise by clapping. He doesn't do it on demand, but I do see him clap a bit every day.

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