Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We have so much to be thankful here in the Dull household. Top on our list this year is our little man. We had a very busy day celebrating with family and friends.

We started our day out at Grandpa Jack's and Grandma Mindy's house. He had fun visiting with Uncle Tim, who is always up for some play time. It was great to see the rest of Mindy's family too. Max has grown so much since they last saw him. Max showed off his army crawl and he had fun hanging out in his high chair while we all ate. He even had sweet potatoes to celebrate - the Gerber variety of course :) We go to the pediatrician in a couple weeks for his nine month check up and I will talk to him about starting Max on some table foods. I'm sure he is just about ready, but I just can't do it yet.

Next on our list of stops was Nonna Carlotta and Nonno Mason's house. Things were a little crazy here. I think there were 30 plus people! I guess that is what you get with a big Italian family. Max was of course the center of attention. He was passed around from family member to family member and he didn't seem too bothered by any of it. He posed for a few pictured with Mario the Build A Turkey. I think the pictures were pretty cute!

Since it was Max's first Thanksgiving we wanted to get a family picture. Here we are with Mario the Turkey as an addition. I know that Max looks a little Christmasy - we are trying to get our money's worth from his outfit!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Another Craigslist Bargain

So, Daddy found a great toy on Craigslist this week. I'm so excited. It seems like when he finds these great deals I get more of them, and what little boy would complain about that! So, my new toy is...(drumroll please) own jumperoo. Before Daddy found this steal, I got my workouts at the babysitter's. She has a jumperoo similar to mine, and I would spend a good deal of my day hanging out in it. I just find it so much fun. Mommy decided to video tape some of my jumping, I guess she thinks it is funny how much I enjoy it. Maybe you will too...

After jumping for about 30 minutes I was exhausted. It was only 6pm, but once the parents started to cook dinner, I thought I could catch some shut-eye in my high chair. It worked for a little bit before Mommy felt the need to interupt my nap by waking me up. I guess she feared it would screw up my sleep pattern and create a baby with insomnia.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Where did my baby go?

Tomorrow my little man will be eight months old. I keep asking myself where did my baby boy go? This weekend Brian and I lowered his crib mattress. Just in time too, Max can now stand at the side of his crib all by himself! He hangs on for dear life, but he does it. He thinks it's fun to stand up. I guess he likes his new view of the world.

Now that the weather has gotten colder daddy was in charge of securing a winter coat. You can see Max modeling the three dollar purchase. It is really puffy, so he can't wear it in the car seat, but I'm sure it will come in handy at some point. For $3.00 I think it is pretty cute!

Max also has a new trick. He has discovered the army crawl. He uses one arm to pull himself forward. It takes a while for him to make much progress, but it is hilarious to watch. He wasn't too motivated to crawl by any of his toys, but the phone seemed to do the trick. I think he would probably crawl for the remote control too. He is all boy, through and through!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Poor Baby

Max has had a very rough week! On Sunday morning he woke up with a little bit of gunk in his eye. After his afternoon nap he had a ton more stuff. Daddy did some research and we guessed that it was probably pink eye. It is super contagious, so we took him to the urgent care center. Our hope was that we could get the drops started and he would only have to miss one day of day care. We took him in and sure enough we have a conjunctivitis boy. It really didn't seem to slow him down and the drops have made a huge difference.

When we were home on Monday Max got really crabby. I couldn't get him to stop crying! I made an appointment with his pediatrician thinking that maybe there was something else wrong. The doctor said that he might just have a bit of a virus, but that there really wasn't anything else wrong. I took her word for it and Max was off to day care yesterday.

This morning he was fussy when I dropped him off and at around 2:30 I got a call that he had a 100+ fever. The sitter gave him a dose of baby Tylenol and Brian picked him up early. I feel so bad for my little man! I knew that something was up. He has not been himself lately and he has been sleeping horribly!

After a dose of baby Tylenol and some love all was right with Max's world. He even posed for a few pictures. His new favorite thing is trying to stand up. He pulls up on this toy all the time. I helped him get up tonight and he loved his new view. He was able to balance holding on all by himself for a while, although I didn't wander too far away as you can see!

He also enjoyed his bath tonight. He loves playing with his toys in the tub. He realizes that he can play with several toys at once if he holds one toy in his mouth. Tonight the duck had the honor. He loves to hold things in his mouth now. He has figured out that all of these crazy teeth can be put to use holding on to things. He plays this game with his spoon all the time. He bites down and we can't get the spoon back out until he starts to giggle.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Max loved his first Halloween, or maybe mom and dad just loved celebrating it with him. On Thursday evening we went with Nonna Carlotta to Boo at the Zoo. It was pretty fun. The weather was beautiful and Max always loves to be outside. There were little kids all over the place in costume. I think I saw 20 spider men. There were decorations all over too. Max took time out to pose for a pic or two. As you can see he was the cutest little monster ever! He even got to ride on the carousel. We thought he would like the cheetah best:) Max was happy until it started to move, then he seemed a bit concerned. After a few seconds he was okay with it, although I don't think he loved it. To be honest, neither did mom. I think next time I will sit and take pictures while dad goes for the ride.

Last night we had friends over and we sat on the porch with Max passing out candy. We were disappointed that there weren't more kids. I can't wait until next year, or maybe the year after, when we can take Max out. He did get to go see Grandma Mindy and Grandpa Jack earlier in the day to show off his costume. Then we made a trip to Nonna's house too.
After a fun filled night, Max had another busy day today. We had music class this afternoon. There have moved on to a new theme. The past few weeks have been all about latin music. I am not sure if the change is for the better. We are now onto divas. I had to walk around the room with my little man while dancing to Man, I Feel Like a Woman. I didn't know that Shania Twain qualified as a diva. . . I guess I will have to stick it out to see what type of music is next!